Sustainable Farming Project

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Sustainable Farming Project


Sustainable farming is not just about productivity, it is about family and it isThe ole' homestead about a way of life.

In these pages we want to share in pictures some of the experiences of sustainable farming on a small farm in rural America. 




         Wood is renewable and salvaging dead decaying logs for fire woord contributes to sustainability.


     Early spring and the fields are waiting to be plowed and planted.  A good time to learn how to ride a bike.     Sara our first goat.  She could feed her kids so we bottled feed all the kids she had.

  Choconella was our little lamb born to Arianna's first Ewe.  


Her very first chick.          One of Sara's kids being bottled fed.     Sara's kid being bottle fed by Nadine.

Sustainability means being able to safely preserve and store food during good times, to carry you through tough times.     Sustainabilty also means reusing building materials where possible.  These doors are made from reclaimed Hemlock boards from our barn.

A hard day's work is always rewarded with a good meal from home grown meats and vegitables.   Baby sitting takes on a whole new meaning.    




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361 Southwest Drive, #153, Jonesboro, AR 72401

(870) 206-0160

Copyright © 2011 Mission for the Applications of Renewable Energy for Humanity
Last modified: October 25, 2011