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Energy Efficiency Planning and Auditing for Homes


MAREH announces its new program of home and commercial energy audits, as well as, solar and other alternative energy pre-project evaluations.


An Energy Audit - save money, save energy.  What is an Energy Audit?

An  energy audit is the systematic review of the interior and exterior of your home to determine it's energy use and the potential for savings and efficiency. A Certified  Energy Auditor and/or Certified Energy Manager  who have been expertly trained to thoroughly examine your home using sophisticated monitoring equipment a complete assessment of your energy needs and uses. Audit data will be collected, analyzed and presented to you in a report outlining specific actions that will lead to lower energy bills. 

Energy efficiency audits and resulting recommendations can dramatically reduce energy bills and is the best energy investment any home owner can make as efficiency measures typically payback in as little as 1-3 years. Energy efficiency audits can be used as a basis for various alternative energy evaluations, creating more possibilities for energy bill savings. There are several Federal and Arkansas energy tax credits and incentives to further reduce cost, with other rebate programs such as Homestar, which has rebates as high as $3,000 for home owners.

Energy audit benefits:

  • ·   Dramatically reduce your energy bills by implementing the suggested actions from your audit report

  • ·   Energy efficiency is the best energy investment

  • ·   Full payback in as little as 2-3 years

  • ·   Government incentives further reduce costs of implementation

  • ·   Efficiency cleans the environment

  • ·   Reduces demand on overall resources

  • ·   Utility companies benefit from reduction on infrastructure demand


Request an energy audit, and we will connect you with an auditor in your area to come take a look at your property and determine which level of energy audit you need today. There are 3 levels of energy audits available ranging from simple, to more in-depth and complex audits. (Click Here) to see detailed explanations of the various levels available)


Home Energy Audit Programs



The Home Energy Audit Process 

Step 1 - Pre-audit Interview

Your MAREH energy auditor will run through a series of questions regarding any known problem areas of your home. Past energy usage of utilities will be an important aspect of this part of the process.  Having several past utility bills handy, will fill this need.  Be sure to highlight any future expansion plans you may have or specific goals you would like to achieve. 


Step 2 - Exterior Inspection

Examine the outside perimeter of the home such as, building orientation and vegetation affecting shade and windbreak. Examine all areas of potential air infiltration and leakage


Step 3 - Interior Inspection

Inspect all inside equipment such as furnace, ductwork, windows, glazing, and insulation etc... on each level of home, looking for air infiltration.


Step 4 - Inspection Equipment used

Your MAREH energy audit consultant has a variety of specialized inspection equipment to help accurately evaluate the air infiltration and leakages into your home.  (Will be dependent on the level of energy audit that will fit your needs)    


Step 5 - Homestar Energy Audit Report

Your home energy auditor will compile a comprehensive report detailing the areas in your residence that can be repaired, insulated, and sealed to boost your energy efficiency. The Homestar report will also outline repairs to your heating and cooling appliances or recommend replacements. (Will be dependent on the level of energy audit that will fit your needs)


 Step 6 - Repairing, Replacing, Relaxing

With your energy audit professionals report  in hand, you can choose to do the recommended replacement and/or repairs yourself or hire a contractor to do the work. 

Once the repairs are done you will enjoy energy savings in the range of 10-40% depending on the condition of your house before the audit. You can feel satisfaction in saving money, saving energy and saving the earth - all at the same time!



You can speak to a MAREH energy audit consultant by clicking the link below, and filling out the form. 



To Request More Information Click here




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361 Southwest Drive, #153, Jonesboro, AR 72401

(870) 206-0160

Copyright © 2011 Mission for the Applications of Renewable Energy for Humanity
Last modified: October 25, 2011