Nadine Straitt

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Nadine Straitt

Nadine presents sustainable aquaculture concepts to renewable energy business and acdemic leaders at Arkansas State University (2011)Nadine Straitt has been actively involved in social-technological improvements and  sustainability at the community level since 2003.  Working with underprivileged families and elderly in rural America to help them develop and maintain a sustainable life style.  From demonstrating healthy sustainable and green agricultural/small garden practices, to working with families and local seniors to coordinate practical interchanges of  proven successful practices with state of the art technology, to recycling used structural components into useful projects to support local sustainable projects.


Nadine was able to validate many of the concepts of sustainable living, in less developed rural environments, through her hands on experience in small scale sustainable food production and small business planning and management.  Growing food for human consumption to sell, as well as, feed stocks for her own farm animals provided her with hands on experience that was uniquely career broadening.  During this time Nadine made several trips to the Mediterranean region to learn animal husbandry and the anthropology small sustainable business operations first hand.  Capitalizing on her prior experience as a comptroller for a small Nadine studies sustainable animal husbandry on a rural goat farm in Corsica. engineering firm, Nadine was able to successfully explore various community sized business models that can become the foundations for a micro-economy in developing regions.


Nadine expanded her career in renewable energy in 2007 when she enrolled in the Wind Energy and Turbine Technology Program at Iowa Lakes Community College.  After which, she went on to be a wind turbine technician with Mitsubishi Power Systems, providing operations and maintenance services for electrical, mechanical, and hydraulic systems.  Working in alternative energy power plants located over two hundred feet above the ground only proved to heighten her excitement for all areas alternative energy and sustainable technologies.


Nadine meets with Air Force and Nordex-USA representatives to explain renewable energy options for sustainable aqriculture.Nadine enrolled in Arkansas State University's unique Interdisciplinary Studies Program to add more specific depth to her broadening skill base, in the areas of advancing renewable technologies,  societal development, and energy security and disaster planning.  As part of her research efforts Nadine has continued to be hands on with technology and community development.  During the summer of 2009, Nadine participated in a sustainability project in the rural High Nevada Desert to investigate the use of sustainable solar and wind energy technologies to provide green off-grid power to a working farm.  Along with providing technical support for equipment, Nadine participated in the preparation of proposals to be submitted to the United State Department of Agriculture and the development of a conceptual outline for a Wind Powered Aquiculture Operation for use in arid regions.  During the summer of 2010 Nadine with technical advice from professors, designed and constructed a working demonstration model of a solar power aquaculture farm, based on the previous aquiculture concept she co-authored in 2009.  The 64 square foot facility was powered by 45 watts of solar panels and grew a variety of edible plants both in water flow grow beds and soil grow bed that also provide filtering and nutrient induction.


 Nadine advises US Air Force engineers on wind turbine maintainance practises during a joint ASU and USAF tour of Nordex-USA

Nadine is a well known and respected advocate of renewable energy, and is in regular demand as a speaker at schools, and civic organizations such as Rotary International.  She is well known by national and international academic, business, and government leaders who are pressing the frontiers of the sustainable development and renewable energy technology.


In addition to her academic pursuits at Arkansas State University, Nadine is a wife, mother of three teenage children, a working artist, a Deaconess in her church.  Nadine’s hope for her work in renewable energy is that her efforts will help provide a cleaner and safer world for our children and future generations.

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(870) 206-0160

Copyright © 2011 Mission for the Applications of Renewable Energy for Humanity
Last modified: October 25, 2011