Jacob Holloway

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Jacob Holloway

Jacob Holloway is a community planner/organizer and  activist, whose expertise is central to several successful ongoing and past sustainability projects, including an organizer of the highly active Fisher Street Community Sustainable Garden Project. 

Jacob received his Bachelors of Science degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of Arkansas in 2010, and is currently a completing a Masters Program in Agro-Business at Arkansas State University-Jonesboro.  He has been sought after by various initiative organizations across Arkansas, to serve as an advisor and field director.   Jacob currently sits of the board of advisors for the Arkansas Drug Policy Education Group and the Green Party of Arkansas.

Jacob's expertise in and dedication to sustainable agriculture and communities is exemplified by his current activities as as vice-chair member of the Fisher St. Community in Action Committee, where he serves as the organizations Garden Manager, and sustainability and political advisor to the committee.

Jacob brings a unique international perspective to MAREH, with his extensive experience with an international development program in rural Belize.  There he worked with other small community planners and developers to promote sustainable agricultural techniques, by working with local educators to   develop school gardening programs.  He is currently training to become a Master Gardener and is working with other sustainability experts to develop a community supported sustainable  farm.

Jacob currently lives in Jonesboro Arkansas and will be pursuing a PhD. in Agricultural Policy at Arkansas State University in 2012.

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361 Southwest Drive, #153, Jonesboro, AR 72401

(870) 206-0160

Copyright © 2011 Mission for the Applications of Renewable Energy for Humanity
Last modified: October 25, 2011